ANGA Prepares for International Climate Negotiations 2021

On 17th  November 2020, the ASEAN Climate Resilience Network arranged a coordination meeting for the ASEAN Negotiating Group for Agriculture (ANGA). The meeting allowed for discussing strategies for joint participation to upcoming relevant meetings that lead towards COP26 and to further promote ASEAN views submitted by ANGA to the Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture (KJWA).

During the open session, inputs from the FAO Koronivia Expert’s meeting (2nd – 4th November) organized by FAO Rome were shared by Martial Bernoux; and key points for ANGA to consider in the upcoming UNFCCC workshops (November Dialogues) were also given by Mr. Ayman Abdel Aziz, current G77 and China Agriculture Coordinator. Both inputs provided guidance for the road ahead of COP26 and how to push KJWA further into implementation.

ANGA Focal Points and development partners such as FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (FAO-RAP), the FAO Koronovia Working Group, the Climate Smart Land Use (CSLU) in ASEAN Project implemented by GIZ, and representative from the Global Research Alliance New Zealand attended the Open Session.

During the closed session where ANGA focal points discussed possible joint engagement in the upcoming UNFCCC workshops with two sessions assigned to Koronivia, the group shared information as to who was appointed by their governments to sit in the meetings for better coordination; and have agreed that due to lack of time, the ANGA joint submission on  on the Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture (KJWA), will be circulated to as guidance and reference for the ASEAN negotiators when expressing their views during the UNFCCC meetings. These cover the topics 2(e), Improved livestock management systems, including agropastoral production systems and others and topic 2(f), Socioeconomic and food security dimensions of climate change in the agricultural sector.

The meeting agreed to explore possible coordination and training meetings in the near future to prepare for the road ahead of negotiations in 2021.

The ASEAN Climate Resilience Network (ASEAN-CRN) established ANGA in 2017 with Terms of Reference and Standard Operating Procedures endorsed by the ASEAN Ministers of Agriculture and Forestry (AMAF).

Summary ANGA Virtual Coordination Meeting, 17th November 2020

Relevant information:

The UNFCCC Koronivia workshops:
24th and 25th November 2020. Koronivia workshop on improved livestock management systems.

1st and 2nd December 2020. Koronivia workshop on socioeconomic and food security dimensions of climate change in the agricultural sector.

Submission of ASEAN Joint Position on the Agriculture in the International Climate Negotiations 2020

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