Observations and recommendations for policy-makers in Southeast Asia
What are the linkages between climate change and COVID-19 for the agriculture sector, and how can governments in Southeast Asia best respond?
The policy review outlined how the ASEAN region’s policymakers can consider short and long-term responses to both phenomena. It outlines – in practical terms – strategies and recommendations for policymakers in ASEAN to consider incorporating climate actions and investments into COVID-19 recovery in the food, agriculture and forestry sector.
Policy Brief
Double Impact: Covid-19 and Climate Change in Food and Agriculture
Complex challenges like the climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic are hard to understand. For a visual approach of explaining the interlinkages check out our graphic narrative: A Story about Agriculture in Times of Climate Crisis and COVID-19 . For ebook version, please visit this link
Relevant news:
Interlinkages between climate change, food security and the COVID-19 pandemic in Southeast Asia
Event Documentation
Exploring the nexus of climate change, food security and the COVID-19 pandemic, June 2021