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- Course topic: Fundamentals of Climate Change
- Course topic: Landscape Approach and Planning
- Course topic: Agriculture
- Course topic: Forestry
Policy Analysis and Forest Governance 101
Brief Description:
The free e-course introduces policy analysis as a pathway to improving forest governance, empowering local people living in and near forests and creating a more sustainable and equitable socio-environment dynamic. Enrolment for the course will run from 15 September to 15 October 2021 and the course will run from 30 September to 30 November 2021.
Organizing Institution:
Regional Community Forestry Training Center for Asia and the Pacific (RECOFTC)
Community Forestry 101
Brief Description:
The Community forestry 101 free e-course introduces the concept and practice of community forestry as a pathway to solving the world’s greatest social and environmental challenges. It focuses on the Asia-Pacific, but the concepts can be applied throughout the world. The journey through the course includes experiential and reflective activities based on real-life conditions.
Organizing Institution:
Regional Community Forestry Training Center for Asia and the Pacific (RECOFTC)
Sustainable Land Management and Land Restoration
Brief Description:
This course focuses on Sustainable Land Management (SLM) practices, and their place within the global development agenda, specifically in order to achieve target 15.3 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which aims “to achieve a land degradation-neutral world”. The course assists policy makers, practitioners and land users in the selection, planning, implementation and monitoring of SLM interventions, and related enabling environment.
Organizing Institution:
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Fundamentals on REDD+
Brief Description:
A coordinated REDD+ capacity development initiative led by the UN-REDD Programme which seeks to match the scale of the global climate change mitigation challenge and enable systematic, focused capacity development to deliver REDD+ on the ground.
Organizing Institution:
Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation of the United Nations (UN REDD)
Advancing on REDD+
Brief Description:
The continuation of the second provides content for a deeper understanding of how countries can benefit from applying REDD+ at a national level.
Organizing Institution:
Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation of the United Nations (UN REDD)
REDD+ learning sessions
Brief Description:
Evert month, a REDD+ expert is invited to present a webinar on a key issue, so that REDD+ practitioners around the globe can have access to the latest information.
Organizing Institution:
World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
Forest Governance Assessment and Monitoring
Brief Description:
The course covers how to measure and assess forest governance with the goal of moving past measurement to improvement
Organizing Institution:
World Bank
Social and Environmental Soundness in REDD+
Brief Description:
This course can improve those social responses and facilitate optimizing human and environmental well-being beyond the strict boundaries of climate change mitigation and adaptation. This course covers a broad range of social and environmental soundness topics, focusing on core underlying principles as well as REDD+ project application.
Organizing Institution:
Regional Community Forestry Training Center for Asia and the Pacific (RECOFTC)