Policy Brief: Robustness and Resilience of the Cambodian Rice Sector

Policy Brief: Robustness and Resilience of the Cambodian Rice Sector

This policy brief aims at presenting key strategic entry points that will support a Cambodian Resilient Rice Sector and align with Cambodia’s National Seed Policy and action plan that was finalized in 2016. The content of this policy brief is mainly derived from the Scoping Study of the Cambodia Rice Seed Sector, commissioned on behalf of the ASEAN-CRN, in 20161. This study complements another component of the project, which was the field testing of the sticky rice variety called Damnoeb Sabai Mongkul for its acceptability as stress tolerant; and training households on pure seeds productions in cooperation with Cambodian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (CARDI), and the IBIS Rice project of the Wildlife Conservation Society, Cambodia.

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