CSA Practices in ASEAN

The ASEAN-CRN supports the process of scaling up climate smart agriculture (CSA) practices amongst ASEAN Member States (AMS) through regional cooperation. The first major activity of the ASEAN-CRN was to facilitate a coordinated regional study, composed of national studies in each participating AMS on the promotion of climate resilience for food security in ASEAN. The research combines a vulnerability assessment of the value chains of two major food crops in the participating AMS with a stocktaking on existing good CSA practices which could become subject of regional exchange and be promoted for scaling-up.

The identified CSA practices include the use of varieties that are resistant to drought, salinity, pest and diseases, and other climate-related stress. Further, prioritized CSA practices include improved crop management measures during crop growth and development; use of technological advances and science-based knowledge; crop diversification, including changing crops or commodities (e.g. shrimp farming in the Mekong River Delta); and further innovations such as agri-insurance and cropping calendar.

Below you can find links to the case studies on existing CSA practices in selected AMS:

This should be a list:

For more information on CSA in other AMS, please visit the following websites:

Department of Agriculture and Agrifood Brunei Darussalam

Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute

Singapore Food Agency of Singapore

Summary of CSA Practices in the National Studies
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