Photo: ASEAN-CRN/Margaret Yoovatana
The ASEAN Climate Resilience Network (ASEAN-CRN) formed the ASEAN Negotiating Group for Agriculture (ANGA) as a direct contribution to the ASEAN Food and Agriculture (FAF) Strategic Plan 2025. ANGA allows ASEAN to shape multilateral environmental agreements for the protection of the region’s land use sector. ANGA originated from the activities and successes of the ASEAN-CRN that translated science into policies.
ANGA Engagement with UNFCCC through Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture (KJWA)
The ASEAN Common Positions on KJWA was a joint-regional submission outlining the shared views of ASEAN member states on the modalities of the KJWA implementation, submitted to the call on topics related to KJWA in October 2018. ASEAN Member States Representatives appointed by Senior Official Meetings –Ministers of Agriculture and Forestry (SOM-AMAF) held a meeting on the 16th of October 2018 to finalize the submission. Vietnam, being the current of chair of the ASEAN Ministers of Agriculture and Forestry (AMAF), forwarded the submission on behalf of ASEAN to the UNFCC in November of 2018.
ANGA’s work pioneered the engagement between ASEAN agriculture sector and UNFCCC. The KJWA was adopted at the 23rd Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC (COP 23). This was a landmark agreement for the negotiations on agriculture under the climate convention as it emphasized the key role of agriculture and food security in the international climate change agenda.
Relevant News:
Gearing Up for COP 26 : ASEAN Joint Negotiating Training
ANGA Prepares for International Climate Negotiations 2021
Submission of ASEAN Joint Position on the Agriculture in the International Climate Negotiations 2020
ANGA’s Strong Negotiation Presence during COP25 Madrid
Advancing ASEAN positions on agriculture in the climate policy process
ASEAN Negotiating Group on Agriculture engaged in climate negotiations
Further, the FAO maintains a very informative overview about the KJWA, including a number of knowledge products
ANGA Communication Material
Documentation and Report
for Agriculture (ANGA), June 2021Download