As an avenue for policymakers, communities and practitioners to exchange and analyse the results of the 26th Conference of the Parties (COP26) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC) and advance preparation for COP27, ASEAN-CRN and partners jointly organized virtual event series in March 2022 with the theme ‘Scaling up Climate Actions for Resilient and Low Emission Landscapes in Asia and Pacific: In the Lead up to COP27’.
Specifically, in the first event of the dialogues, stakeholders identified the COP26 outcome as relevant to climate change, forestry and agriculture. It also looked at examples of countries’ best practices in Asia. The last event of the series provided participants with insights, relevant ongoing projects/initiatives, and potential areas for collaboration with different stakeholder groups namely, government, private sector, development organizations, farmer organizations, and research organizations.
Event 1: Post COP26 Synthesis of Key Outcomes for Land Use Sector in Asia-Pacific
The first event, held from 1 to 3 March, focused on significant highlights and decisions from COP26 relevant to both the forestry and agriculture sectors. This was an attempt to move toward resilient and low-emission landscapes in a cross-sectoral and coordinated manner. The events provided a unique opportunity to delve deeper into the topic and enhance common understanding with forward-looking actions. During the opening programme, representatives from the organizing committee gave remarks that resonated with the importance of a spirit of collaboration and combined efforts in climate policies and joint actions to address the impact of climate change, particularly in the land use sector in the Asia-Pacific region.
Then experts and policymakers proceeded with highlighting various approaches and solutions. This is particularly in the land-agriculture-forestry in connection with climate change, mentioning practices such as climate-smart agriculture, nature-based solutions, agroforestry, social forestry, community-led activities and farmers’ initiatives on the ground.
The FAO’s interim review of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) in 2021 observed a slight increase of countries, including in the Asia and Pacific region, to include agriculture and land use in their NDCs which also increased the greenhouse gas (GHG) emission target in Agriculture, Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF). The Asia Pacific countries are positioned well in aligning with the Glasgow Leaders’ Declaration on Forests and Land Use. They have long-term goals in promoting sustainable forest management and set the target to increase forest areas. However, the gaps in, among others, finance, technology and capacity building will need to be addressed. Countries will need to include more specific measurable goals and targets, particularly in the agriculture sector.

Event 2: Scaling up resilient and low-emission practices in Asia – the role of climate policies
The second event, from 15 to 16 March, continued to examine further climate change global frameworks and agenda focusing on the agriculture sector. Some key highlights are summarized below:
- The shift of farmers’ role toward solutions seeking is required by strengthening their capacities to carry on applied research and implementing good practices and approaches in climate-friendly agro-ecology.
- Transforming food system requires a holistic approach of integrated and inclusive multi-sectoral, addressing social inequities and differentiate responses based on climate risk and local context will enhance food security and nutrition.
- Methane emission reduction will need a combination of technology and behavioral change solutions in agriculture, livestock and energy.
- In reference to Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture (KJWA), stakeholders need to identify technical priorities, institutional gaps and propose institutional arrangement under the UNFCCC to develop action plans and facilitate access to climate finance, including providing guidance for country level implementation.
- In reference to the Glasgow – Sharm el-Sheikh programme, launched during COP26, new financial pledges over USD 350 million was agreed by developed countries to achieve balance between adaptation and mitigation implementation in least developed countries. The implementation is on-going, among others, reviewing the overall progress to achieve the global goal on adaptation, national planning and implementation of adaptation actions and provide support to countries in developing and implementing National Adaptation Plans (NAPs).
Event 2 showcased recent relevant climate policies and global initiatives for agriculture, and examples of technologies and practices in Asia Pacific countries. Experts discussed Alternate Wetting and Drying (AWD) and progress on Measurement, Reporting, and Verification (MRV), ASEAN Climate Smart Agriculture project on low emissions livestock, including best practices in the country, among others, India and the Philippines.
To collectively capture a future vision for 2050 of resilient and low emission agriculture in Asia, stakeholders engaged in a climate foresight exercise facilitated by a scenario expert and a visual artist.
Event 3: Scaling resilient and low emission practices through partnerships
The last event of the series, organized on 22 March 2022, opened with stakeholders jointly revisiting the result of the climate foresight visioning exercise and explored how partnerships can support reaching agriculture’s climate pledges. Moreover, regional frameworks relevant to the land-use sector such as the upcoming ASEAN Guidelines for Sustainable Agriculture will be an important reference in implementing regional and national activities relevant to climate-smart landscapes.
During the session, different stakeholder groups namely government, private sector, development organizations, farmer organizations and research organizations, shared their ongoing initiatives and potential areas for collaboration.
A follow-up questionnaire was sent in order to further promote partnership and express interest in one another’s projects.

Supporting organisations
The event is jointly organised by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (UN-FAO) and its Office of Climate Change, Biodiversity and Environment (OCB) with the support from the Japan Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF), RECOFTC – The Center for People and Forests, the UN-REDD Programme Secretariat, the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC-UNEP), the ASEAN Climate Resilience Network (ASEAN-CRN) and the ASEAN Negotiating Group for Agriculture (ANGA) as supported by the GIZ ASEAN AgriTrade project with funding from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), and the ASEAN Secretariat – Food, Agriculture, Forestry Division (FAFD).
For material and report of the event series, please visit:
Scaling up Climate Actions for Resilient and Low Emission Landscapes in Asia and Pacific: In the Lead up to COP27 – Event Series
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